For this project the goal was to explore how photographers can reveal things about themselves through their photographs. This in all honesty was kind of difficult for me to do because I feel as though I don't usually think about how to show myself through images without making it super obvious. because of this, i decided to approach this prompt by instead taking photos of things I like doing or looking at. I've said this before, but I really enjoy being outside and because of that, a lot of my photographic inspiration comes from nature. The first photo I took while on a walk outside. I often take walks to clear my head. The other two photos are of my favorite types of photos to take of nature. I enjoy taking close-up photos and perspectives that show detailed textures which is what I aimed to achieve with my last two photos. I think it's interesting that this kind of biographical photography isn't something you would notice immediately. You make look at the flower and just see a flower, but after more explanation you can learn that it actually represents my favorite photo to take.
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