...most people never get out of the car
For this project I decided to use photos that I had taken specifically to send to my friend on the East Coast to show him what the midwest looks like. I think this relates well to what Rexer's chapter addresses. My friend has never been to the midwest, but from the various photos I sent him it's almost as if he has. But even with photos you are limited to what can fit within the frame. There is so much more to a landscape that what can fit in an image. And it is interesting how we still can consume images of various places around the world and live vicariously through those that actually took the photos. With the internet I think that makes it easier and easier for us as a society to consume and share images that aren't ours. I also thought it was a bit ironic that all of this photos were taken from the inside of a car where I as the photographer only enjoyed that specific image for a fraction of a second whereas my friend can continuously consume this image whenever he wants and imagine what he believes the midwest to be.
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