Preserving the Past to Redesign the Future
My dad has always been one for remembering his family's history. I remember several years ago he had received several storage boxes filled with old photos. He took it upon himself to scan all the photos into a digital archive on his computer and create a photo collage that he put on the wall of our family room. Even before that photo archiving phase it was obvious that remembering family history is important to him. Heck I'm named after two great great (I don't know exactly how many 'greats') grandmothers on his side of the family. Even though all the photos already existed, there was a need to create digital copies. I'm not saying this is wrong, but it's interesting how much paranoia there is about losing the past. We've all heard the warning from teachers, "don't forget to save your word document" or, "did you back it up?". In a digital age where it is so easy to replicate, copy, paste we become so guarded over things we might l...